Cyber and Technology Law and legal representation – Dr. Shani Roffeh – Legal Office

Cyber and Technology Law and legal representation – Dr. Shani Roffeh – Legal Office


  Despite the fact that Israel is often referred to as the “start up nation”, the country lacks one institution that is common in many developed countries - courts and/or judges that specialize in hi-tech and technological issues. This in itself can make attacks from hackers and other malicious persons and organizations easier to implement whilst hampering the efforts of law enforcement agencies to combat cybercrime in all of its varied forms.


In the technological era of the 21st century, all of us make extensive use of a huge range of electronic devices and user-friendly technologies for many different and varied reasons. Whether at home or at work, travelling or in the office, everything uses technology to operate and is connected to the internet. Basically, we are on-line 24/7, even if we don’t always realize this.


Many technologies are based on electronic, silicon chips while others use software of varying degrees of complexity. In this modern era, every new development, product or device that utilizes technology requires the services of a lawyer to provide appropriate legal guidance and representation.


How can a lawyer help in technological fields?


Only a lawyer, experienced in the world of hi-tech and who has successfully represented clients in significant exits, will be able to help you achieve your goals whether these include registering a patent or preserving intellectual property, commercial secrets or simply to provide top class legal advice and representation when dealing with internet providers and customers who use your services or buy your products via the internet.


It’s important to realize that internet, cyber and computer law are relatively new legal fields. These areas are dynamic and, as the past decade has shown, constantly changing, adapting to new technologies and realities,. In fact, the fields of cyber, computer  and technological law change faster than any other legal area.


  1.          If, in the past, a single, specific legal decision created waves of discussion and interest amongst attorneys and those in legal field, today hardly a day passes without a court handing down significant decisions in internet and computer related matters. Some areas have already been addressed through legislation. These include  the 1995 Computer Law which defines those actions that are considered as computer crimes.
  2.          The Digital (electronic) Signature Law, passed in 2001, makes it possible to sign legally binding contracts and agreements via the internet.
  3.          The 2007 Copyright and Intellectual Right Law includes sections that address issues relating to the protection of computer software. Amendment 40 to the Communications Law deals with the prohibition on the distribution of spam mail.


However, despite the advances made, the legal system constantly lags behind new, developing technologies. Hugely important issues such as the responsibility of internet service providers and web site administrators for wrongs committed by users and the right to privacy on the internet have yet to receive a proper response or consideration from legislators. As a result,  the courts are often compelled to hand down significant decisions concerning these areas based on foreign precedents or law.



Dr. Shani Roffeh & Co. Israeli Law Office

Civil and criminal litigation

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