Website and Database Valuation - Intellectual Property

Website and Database Valuation (Intellectual Property) Dr. Roffeh Shani Introduction Start-up & software companies, Internet websites, domain names, databases are included in the definition of intellectual property and, as such, can be given a financial value. The valuation of this type of property is an obscure topic that often reaches the Court as part of the legal process or in when there are individuals or groups who have an idea that they wish to sell or raise funding for in order to realize their vision. In this article I will attempt to shed light on the topic as a whole and thus reduce roomfor errors in order to bring about a realistic and just understanding of the value of Internet systems, domain names, databases, and so on. The chapter will address primarily technical consideration and place a lesser emphasis on legal considerations. Its goal is to present to the readerthe range of variables and circumstances that should be taken into accoun...